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The server errors this morning were due to all the recent traffic. It ate all the storage on the server šŸ˜‚. Sorry for this, and thanks to Nex for spotting.
EDIT: With paypal fee's taken into account the total left to fund is: Ā£1,125.38 it's costing roughly 5% each transaction. Well that didn't last long.. After seeing what we released recently we were given first dibs on the largest haul of SEGA Saturn discs ever listed for sale, least with the chance to get all released in one go. While I personally don't want to deal with more dev stuff or group buys, this one is easy to manage due to no reshipping. Myself and OG's staff, and a select...
As you know, it's been a bumpy few months. I left, Morphic took over, He left due to same reasons I did.. I got forced back as nobody else on staff could take over. While I no longer have an interest in prototypes or it's community I will remain about for general gaming stuff. With that in mind, What changes would you like on site? I fixed the theme that had some overlooked bugs that broke menus. I've made some minor tweaks to fonts/made them bolder etc. I've done a few minor tweaks in...
Well this has been a messy few months. for those that didn't know, Morphic took over OG in December after I (Damien) was repeatedly attacked by people posting claims that could be proven false. (More on that later) Around 10 days ago information was sent to me that one of OG's former staff, MrPinball64, who was demoted in December was infact a known scammer. The stress from dealing with this lead to Moprhic quitting OG and things I'd rather not going into happened. He gave two choices, Let...
Would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone. Starting a new forum is a very chicken and egg situation - people don't register as there's no content and there's no content because no one registers. So far we have had hundreds of users register and more importantly - you guys are posting and bringing over posts of value from assemblergames. I couldn't be more proud of how this community has banded together to make this happen. You have all taken the challenge and ran with it -...
Today a huge blow was landed on the community, Kevin the owner of AssemblerGames announced the sites closure within 30 days. With not much time to plan ahead, I've temporarily closed our other site Prototopia and transferred the PT license to OG. This has given me the chance to relaunch OG which thankfully I got the domain back for after the old owner closed it. I'm currently trying to archive as much of AssemblerGames as possible and will post the archive here once it's finished. It'll be...