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Site News & Announcements

Just a small update to inform you we've added a new password checking system, upon changing your password or joining it'll auto check with https://haveibeenpwned.com/ if your password was compromised. It'll also use Dropbox's zxcvbn to make sure your password isn't crackable/guessable with ease. If you're worried about losing your password, Chrome & Firefox has built in password managers or you can use something like https://www.lastpass.com/ we also recommend you enable 2FA via app for...
Obscure Gamers is once again looking to secure funding to continue our operations for another year, and to secure some more goodies for the community to research. The total costs to renew OG's Museum status for another year will be £141.56 (including VAT). We also have been offered two Heavy Rain discs much cheaper than they're listed for online the total cost to secure these is €300 + shipping costs. The seller already has to mail us stuff so they offered us them directly. For the Silent...
It was brought to our attention by @SmilingMango that EXIF info wasn't being stripped as we assumed it was by Xenforo. For people that leave GPS enabled, this could be a major issue i.e it exposes your location/address. For this reason we've stripped EXIF from all 15657 images containing info. We've added a tool that can auto strip EXIF from new JPG/JPEG uploads but it doesn't work on PNG from what we can see, this means future JPG/JPEG will be stripped if you have EXIF info enabled, but...
As you may be aware, CDPR & EA have recently been compromised. As with past illegal thefts of data we have a zero policy of sharing the content. Linking of any stolen data including screenshots will result in removal of the offending posts, this will result in a permanent ban from the site. Talk is fine as long as rule 1 is met. Our goal is to work with game developers, to preserve history. Leaks like this are damaging for both the companies and the countless developers that worked hard...
For months we've been working on BuildDB, a wiki to cover pretty much any known info on games/consoles that could be released or unreleased. Due to a crappy server, we couldn't allow public registrations and had a request accounts plea. Nobody really bothered, so we've decided to merge it into the forums in the hopes people will finally help. We'll be limited editing to users with 10+ posts, if you've passed this please ask us for community contributor role in this thread. Do not PM...
Me and OG's staff have decided it's time to split up the prototopia section. From now on, there's two, One for retro, one for anything not ready to be posted public. This means anything pre-7th gen will be posted in the new prototopia section, anything newer will be in the other. Now, we've decided enough is enough on lack of info on betas, we've been asking for a long time for help on builddb but barely anybody cares, so we'll be merging the wiki into OG over the coming weeks. It won't be...