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Gun Loco

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  • Gun Loco
    Unreleased Game
    Platform: XBOX 360
    Developer: Square Enix
    Gun Loco is a cancelled third person shooter / action game that was in development by Square Enix for the XBOX 360. Players would have took the role of a series of crazy criminals in a prison-planet with no guards, in which they had to fight against each other to survive and take the power. In march 2011 Square Enix announced the cancellation of the project, but without an official reason for the decision. We can speculate that it was because of quality or economic problems.

    In 2020 ObscureGamers found the Tokyo Game Show build on an XBOX 360 developer kit in Canada.

    Images from XBOX Live​ (top)

    Unknown to many is the game was so close to release that it exists on XBOX Live, it even has boxart suggesting maybe a disc version was being made. Below are the images we have saved.


    Build Footage​ (top)

    Information Source​ (top)

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